• Get Ready for LA’s New Zoning Code

    Los Angeles will soon have a New Zoning Code and it will be going into effect in Downtown Los Angeles on Jan. 27, 2025.

    To help you prepare, we have previously released key resources and application forms, following a pair of public webinars. Additional resources and information is available below:


    City Planning is offering Virtual Office Hours to help answer any questions you might have regarding the New Zoning Code on the following dates:

    Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

    Friday, Jan. 17, 2025, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    You may register for a 15-minute time slot here.


    Final adopted ordinances related to the New Zoning Code and Downtown Community Plan are located in the Council File. In addition, links to individual articles of the New Zoning Code can be accessed on our Department’s website. Information about the Downtown Community Plan’s Zoning Map can be accessed in a couple of different formats:

    • Interactive – Searchable by address and provides property specific zoning regulations that can be downloaded
    • Printable – pdf maps showing proposed zoning string by subarea


    Missed our recent webinar on the New Zoning Code?  No problem!  You can catch the recording and download the slides here:

    • You can access the presentation slides here.

    Thank you to everyone who attended our recent webinar on the implementation of the New Zoning Code!

    If you have specific questions about the New Zoning Code you would like to discuss with staff, please email us at planning.NewZoningCode@lacity.org or stay tuned for a future invite to staff office hours.


    As of today, you can access the application filing forms for the New Zoning Code (Chapter 1A of the LAMC), alongside the versions of our forms for the Original Zoning Code (Chapter 1 of the LAMC), on our Forms webpage. The New Zoning Code will go into effect in Downtown Los Angeles (formerly known as the Central City and Central City North Community Plan Areas) starting on Jan. 27, 2025.

    Please be aware that projects will not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance if a complete application was filed and fees were paid prior to Jan. 27, 2025 (the effective date) pursuant to LAMC Section 1.4.4. (Successional Rights) of Chapter 1A:

    Any project with an entitlement application that was filed and for which all applications fees were paid prior to the effective date of this Zoning Code (Chapter 1A), where applied, may continue to use the zoning that was in effect at the time of application, provided that approvals are granted and used within the time limits established in Sec. 13A.2.7. (Scope of Decision), unless the applicant elects to utilize the provisions of Chapter 1A. Projects subject to Chapter I. (General Provisions and Zoning) shall be subject to any subsequent amendments to Chapter I. (General Provisions and Zoning) of this Code unless the application has been vested pursuant to Sec. 1.4.5. (Vested Rights).

    • When applicable, modifications of the entitlements outlined above may be granted, provided that approvals are granted and are effectuated and utilized within the time limits established in Sec. 13A.2.7. (Scope of Decision).
    • Any project with approved entitlements that cannot be effectuated and utilized within the time limits established in Sec. 13A.2.7. (Scope of Decision) shall proceed in accordance with the regulations of this Zoning Code (Chapter 1A).

    The New Zoning Code application forms offered on our Forms webpage will not be accepted until the January 27 Effective Date; this early release is intended to allow applicants to begin preparing their materials in advance of this date and allow additional time for pre-filing questions and consultation.

    Prior to the Effective Date, all applications, regardless of location, are required to use the forms listed under the “Chapter 1” column. 

    On or after the Effective Date, applications in locations not subject to the New Zoning Code will continue to use the forms listed under Chapter 1. Applications that are subject to the New Zoning Code filed after this date will be required to use the revised forms under the Chapter 1A column. 

    If a new form ends with “.A” that means it is specific to the New Zoning Code. All other forms either apply only to the Original Zoning Code, or to both Zoning Codes (depending on project location). The forms themselves contain more information on their applicability and how to use them. Edits to some forms are minor, whereas others received more comprehensive edits. 

    Please contact New Code Implementation Section staff with any questions at planning.NewZoningCode@lacity.org.

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