CSLB Test Centers Closed
Contractors State License Board Closing Test Centers and Public Counters Statewide in Response to COVID-19 Health Emergency
SACRAMENTO – The Contractors State License Board (CSLB) is announcing that all seven of its test centers throughout California, as well as its public counters, will close effective Monday, December 7, 2020. The closure will last at least three weeks.The office closures are in response to the COVID-19 health emergency and to ensure the safety of test candidates, the public, and staff. CSLB staff are contacting test candidates scheduled to take an exam during the office closure to discuss rescheduling options. Test candidates with questions can email: exams@cslb.ca.gov. The exam rescheduling fee is being waived for cancelled exams.
Through the health emergency, CSLB remains committed to its mission of providing consumer protection through the licensing and regulation of California’s construction industry and to remain accessible while continuing to provide essential services. Many CSLB services are available to licensees and the public online. To see all available CSLB online services visit: http://cslb.ca.gov/OnlineService.aspx.
Also, CSLB’s Licensing Information Call center is open, with a 24/7 automated system, and staff available Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer calls at 800-321-CSLB (2752). Most questions can be answered through the automated system, but there are options to transfer to a technician during business hours.
Systems also have been set-up that will allow an email exchange with CSLB staff, who remain on-duty. You can find information about this below. This information is also regularly updated on our website: https://cslb.ca.gov/About_us/COVID-19.aspx.
CSLB is currently contacting applicants with exams scheduled during the office closure period to discuss rescheduling options. If you have questions, please email: exams@cslb.ca.gov Be sure to include your name and application number. Please note that CSLB is waiving the rescheduling fee for cancelled exams.

About CSA Team
CSA’s Executive Director, Roy Flahive, has worked within the sign industry for more than 50 years. He served an apprenticeship in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), owned his own sign company for almost 30 years and he is well-known and highly respected in the sign industry, having served on numerous boards, including those of the International Sign Association (ISA), San Diego Area Lighting Advisory Council, Arizona Sign Association, Western States Sign Council, San Diego Mayors Sign Code Task Force, and UL’s Industry Advisory Committee. Notably, Flahive has twice been elected President (Chairman of the Board) of CSA and has served over 30 years on that board.
Cheryl Flahive, CSA’s Director of Member Services, has worked within the sign industry for over 33 years; twenty of those years, as vice president of a sign company in southern California. She has served in various administrative roles, from finance to project management, and is dedicated to helping CSA members at all levels.
The CSA Communications Committee, made up of committed industry leaders, works in a behind the scenes capacity, to keep CSA members educated and informed.