Fight the Underground Economy
Licensed sign companies in California are competing against unlicensed sign manufacturers and installers. The California Sign Association works with the California Contractors State License Board and other regulatory agencies to eliminate the unlicensed companies. If you are aware of illegal and unlicensed installations of signs, you can help solve the problem by notifying the Statewide Investigative Fraud Team (SWIFT) of the CSLB. If you don’t want to directly participate, CSA will accept and transmit the information on your behalf.
The best way to let CSLB know about unlicensed activity on an active job site is by completing the SWIFT Lead Referral form. Use the link below.
After completing the form you may attach it to an email and send it to the appropriate SWIFT office. Use the email links found on this CSLB SWIFT Reporting page. Select the appropriate SWIFT office based on the county where the alleged unlicensed activity is taking place. You may also fax and/or send the form by mail.
Complete the SWIFT form (PDF) online and then save. Provide complete and detailed information about the unlicensed activity and indicate if there are employees on the project. The more information and evidence the better.
Complaints are processed according to the date of receipt, priority and staff availability if the job site is located in a remote area. The complaint will be assigned to an Enforcement Representative who will follow up on the information provided.

Sign law expert serving the sign industry and its customers for over 25 years, providing legal and consulting services to sign users, installers and manufacturers. Based in Sacramento, Practice Areas include Zoning; Land Use; Real Estate; Constitutional Law; Employment; & Business. Admitted to the Bar in 1989. Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Aran 1-888-SIGNLAW.