LA Department of Building and Safety
By Jeff Aran, CSA Legal Counsel • September 23, 2020
The Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) has modified its procedures and implemented new practices to provide customers with the best possible service during these challenging times, while safeguarding the health and safety of both LADBS customers and staff members. In March 2020, LADBS established designated “Drop-off/Pickup” areas for new submittal and verification plans. To further improve this process, LADBS will now offer limited in-person appointments to facilitate quicker resolution and improve the efficiency of the plan check process. The following submittal and verification procedures will be implemented effective Monday, September 21, 2020:
• A completed permit application will be required as part of the submittal package.
• Applicants will be given a “screening” appointment at the time of submittal package drop-off. The applicant will be given two printouts of the “screening” appointment confirmation, one for reference and one to wrap around the submittal package for identification. An LADBS staff will contact the applicant by phone on the scheduled “screening” appointment time to review the submittal package for completeness. It is important for the applicant to be available during the “screening” appointment.
• Incomplete plans will not be accepted. Another “screening” appointment will be scheduled upon receipt of missing documents.
• If the applicant cannot be reached during the scheduled “screening” appointment, the submittal package will not be processed. The plans will be placed back in queue for another “screening” appointment.
• Once plans are accepted for plan check, LADBS staff will create the permit application and send the applicant a link for online payment of the plan check fees.
The verification package must be dropped off at the designated “Drop-Off” areas. No appointment is required when dropping off verification packages for Over-The-Counter (OTC), Appointment Plan Check (APC), or Expanded Counter Plan Check (ECPC) projects. - OTC verification packages must contain the following:
1. An LADBS “Drop-off” transmittal cover sheet, wrapped around the plans, with the project information clearly visible
2. Original marked plans
3. Revised plans
4. Original correction sheets with a written response addressing each pending correction
5. Any other required documents per the plan check engineer’s instruction
- The applicant must contact the plan check engineer to schedule a phone/virtual verification appointment. Subsequently, an appointment email will be sent to the applicant. Applicants must show the appointment email at the time of drop-off of the verification package.
- The verification package must contain the following:
1. Original marked plans
2. Revised plans
3. Original correction sheets with a written response addressing each pending correction
4. Any other required documents per the plan check engineer’s instruction
• The verification package must be dropped off at the designated “Drop-off” areas at least 48 hours prior to the appointment date for quarantine.
• An LADBS “Drop-off” transmittal cover sheet and the appointment email must be wrapped around the submittal package, clearly visible.
• The plan check engineer will review the revised plans with you during the appointment either by phone or online via google meet.
Drop-off packages must contain the following items:
1. Completed RTI form, wrapped around the plans, with the permit address clearly visible.
2. The original RTI-stamped set of plans. The number of sets is indicated on the RTI form.
3. All documents required on the RTI form.
4. Relevant Contractor information. See the RTI form for further information.

Sign law expert serving the sign industry and its customers for over 25 years, providing legal and consulting services to sign users, installers and manufacturers. Based in Sacramento, Practice Areas include Zoning; Land Use; Real Estate; Constitutional Law; Employment; & Business. Admitted to the Bar in 1989. Law Offices of Jeffrey L. Aran 1-888-SIGNLAW.